Welcome to TUOPEEK
Electronics & Electrical Experiments
Tuopeek is a collection of items and experiments from an interest in Physics and electronics. Many things here involving high voltages, high-vacuum and radiation of one type or another. The site name links the dangers, but also curiosity.
The pictures on this page, as well as the buttons and drop-down menus, are links to exploring the items on this site. The media link takes you out to other related TUOPEEK activities. This is an ongoing update from the old site to improve it for mobile use. Most pages have been updated, but some of the old pages are still available only through the drop-down selector tool. Note; that the old pages may not work properly with mobile devices.
(1) Neon 'beehive' lamp: This early lamp uses neon gas at low pressure to produce a characteristic red glow. Discharge lamps have developed from the Geissler tube to High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting. Gas discharge lighting covers; neon-sign displays, fluorescent tubes, Nixi indicator tubes, industrial lighting and special purpose spectral lamps. Click on the picture for more on discharge lamps.
(2) Vacuum Tubes: This link is to all electronic tubes from radio valves, Cathode ray tubes, X-ray tubes, and specialised tubes that may not have hot-cathodes or pure vacuums. An operating hydrogen Thyratron is shown here.
(3) High Voltage Stuff: links to High voltage power supplies and sources, including Tesla Coils.
(4) Computer electronics: Components, history, drives, memory and other stuff related low voltage digital electronics.The image here is of an old HDD head on a ferromagnetic disk surface.
(5) Cathode ray tubes: Although now obsolete, these picture tubes were in use, and developed for about 100 years. They are still, hard to beat as a fascinating introduction to particle accelerators. Over their lifetime, they developed into complex devices with tight manufacturing tolerances. Internal parts of a colour CRT shown.