About TuoPeek
Origin and Background: Welcome to the site, it is based on my collection of parts and enthuisiasm of all things electronic and electrical. It also covers some information on experiments and projects. It's just a small insight into the fascinating world of electronics over the years. Many items may be obsolete but they still show the design ingenuity and engineering at its best.
The site name: The name Tuopeek comes from Keep Out backwards. Tuopeek like 'Keep Out' suggest danger but associates the inquisitive nature of peek. Perhaps used here in its inverse form to mean "come in" ! However, the experiments and items discussed here often have electrical and other dangers assosiated to them.A good working knowledge and training in dealing with High voltages is essential.
Do not attempt any of the experiments shown on these web pages. Many precautions are taken here and are not covered completely by this web site.
Returning visitors to this site may have noticed new look pages are being uploaded. The process of up-dating the page layouts to this new page style is to simplify the site and make it phone and tablet compatible. The site has now been up for more than 10 years and on its third version. The old site pages will remain for a time and can be found on the drop-down menu at the top of the page. (Remember to select 'Go' once a page has been selected) The intention is to remove the old pages as the are either not popular or now covered on 'YouTube' or FaceBook platforms. Link buttons to external activities are on the top tool bar.